Education is the most important tool that helps a country to achieve prosperity.
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Focus care for The basic necessity of any life is water, food, living and proper sanitation.
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Help the needy with your surplus – this is what Focus India tells the Haves to help the Have-nots.
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Specifically designed to foster spiritual growth, impart Quranic teachings, instill moral behavior, emphasize core values, and facilitate skill development
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About our foundation

For the betterment of the Educationally and socially backward classes of India, Enrichment of India through the active participation of the dynamic youths of the country. These are the two purposes based on which the organisation was formed two years ago.

The potential of the youths of India are often left unidentified. Their abundant talent and energy are most often wasted. focus takes initiative to make them aware of their responsibility towards society, by providing them training through workshops, lectures, camps and various other activities; thus helping them to channelize their creativity for the welfare of the society with a new outlook on the purpose of life.

Focus India Impacts

Focus thus takes initiative to construct a peaceful and prosperous India by motivating the lethargic Indian youths, focussing self-development along with social development.

Our Vision & Mission

The potential of the youths of India are often left unidentified. Their abundant talent and energy are most often wasted. focus takes initiative to make them aware of their responsibility towards society, by providing them training through workshops, lectures, camps and various other activities; thus helping them to channelize their creativity for the welfare of the society with a new outlook on the purpose of life.

Come together and empower India with Focus India!

+91 8075 803 852

focus india is the continuation of its volunteering activities in Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. Governing its activities from Calicut, focus INDIA aims to spread the educational, social and financial self sufficiency of Kerala to other parts of the country, especially to the very backward north-eastern parts of India, by providing food, clothes and education and fulfilling their basic needs.